Wednesday, April 27

Twice in One Day, Because I can

I'm about to be a little controversial, and a lot honest.
I wish you were naked.
I wish we were all naked.
And nobody cared.
And we all were innocent.
And the world could focus
On something other than endless lust.
I'm thinking of dying my hair
About this color.
Because I can.
And because I'm young and dumb.
And I have no one to tell me that I shouldn't.
They just look happy.
And free.
Thats all.
This moring I walked outside after first period,
And, for the smallest instant,
I was back.
I was home.
It was one of those days,
Where the wind blew in from the west,
And the smell of saltwater
Reached the valley.
And you could smell the beach.
It was on of those days.
All I want in life.
Is a library in my house.
Full of adventures.
And maybe someone could kiss me in it.
That would be ok I guess.

I Think I'll Blog

Hi, I'm Emily, and I'm a heroin(e) addict.
I have a serious addiction to drugs, as well as female super heroes. The latter is the condition I'm most concerned about. Thank you for your support.

I rejected your call twice. I didn't answer when you knocked the first time, so its understandable that you knocked again. I guess I could've not heard you or something. it took you a while to leave. Then you came back and knocked two more times. I should've opened the door and yelled "leave me alone". but hey, lets not be melodramatic here.

if you aren't my anonymous commenter, you can skip this next rant


your mysterious comments are driving me mad. please make yourself known unto me. i have a suspicion that there are actually two of you, but you're not working together. maybe you both just like stressing miss emily out. thanks. i must say, however, that i do feel slightly tickled when i see comments, so i guess your contribution to my blogging life isn't completely negative. all suspects i have have denied it or been proven innocent. I'm begging you to reveal yourself(-lves). I may consider going on a blog strike until this matter is sorted out, but let's be honest, i don't think i would survive. 

Tuesday, April 26

Let's see.
I went to prom. It was wondrous and cliche and lovely. My Prince Charming took me on a wonderful adventure. Literally. He was sophomore prince.
We had a grand ole time.

Tuesday, April 19

Stupid cute couples.
Tumblr_lfjp9mufim1qfj3uqo1_500_largeyou're mocking me aren't you?


Friday, April 15

There is a pack of fruit snacks sitting on my counter. And everytime I pass by i pop one in my mouth. For some reason, in my mind, this is better than just sitting down and gobbling the entire package. The worst part is they're not even good. They're just there. So I eat them.

30 second break

After writing that I went upstairs and threw them away. Thats better.
you can't beat me fruit snacks.
p.s. they were actually the cherry kind

Wednesday, April 13

I have a very cute little sister, here she is....
And every day, at least once, I make sure to ask her if we're best friends. If she says no, I promptly correct her.

I had a dream last night that we were all innocent, and had sleepovers with the opposite sex. Parker Jones, we had a sleep over. 
I love when people know that they're better than you at something, but they still genuinely think you're good, and worth showing off. For example, Parker made me play piano yesterday, and even though he excels so much higher than yours truly, he made me feel like I was worth listening too. That was nice.

Enough about Parker Jones.

 I would be a terrible recovering alcoholic, drug addict, or criminal. 
I have serious withdrawl problems. I have frequent bursts of yearning for things in the past. I can't control them, they come unannounced and unexplained. I need to feel the sun, I have the urge to kiss someone, I crave coffee, I miss old friends,  I want to cry(believe it or not), I want to sing really loud, I want to act on impulses, I need my own car, I wish I could transfer back to dear old AF high(sometimes), I am secretly a hermit, and I wish I could go back to a world where I didn't know the difference between indie and mainstream. You could say I'm kind of flawed. I say I'm a teenage girl. what do you expect?

I need a good book to read, so any suggestions left in comment form would be appreciatied.

Can you keep a secret?

good. so can I.

say cheese.

p.s. I really was going to tell you a secret, but then I remembered who reads this blog. not you, trusty followers, but the other discreet readers....and you know....stuff gets I decided to mock you instead, have a nice day.

Saturday, April 9

April 8

Everytime I close my eyes all I see is the crash. It haunts my every thought
and starts my every prayer. All possible "what ifs" keep going through my mind pointlessly. Man, is it good to be alive.

Sunday, April 3


Today I drove up the canyon right after it snowed, and beat myself up constantly for not bringing my camera. I was so disappointed in myself. I felt today was a failure because no good pictures were taken, until I got on facebook, and saw my dad posted these.