Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing. Show all posts

Thursday, January 19

My Life Will Go As Follows

Go on Goodreads
Watch Movies
Make Pumpkin Pie Shakes
Go To School
Make Friends Transfer Into My Classes
Listen to Music Really Loud
Go on Goodreads
Miss california
Read some more
Eat some more
Cry while watching Parenthood
Tickle My Little Siblings
Try and Control My Hair
Taco Tuesday
In Bed By 11
Up By 7

Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

And I am loving every second of it.

Friday, September 2

And then there were none

eccentricity[ek-suhn-tris-i-tee, ek-sen-]- oddity or peculiarity, as of conduct: an interesting man, known for his eccentricities.
2.the quality of being eccentric.
3.the amount by which something is eccentric.

I'm losing followers by the second. They're dropping like flies. One by one. And then there were 17...and any other cliches you can think of.

Am I really that annoying? Not that it surprises me, really. But in order to raise my self esteem i've tried my hardest to come up with logical reasons that people stopped liking my blog. It could be that their google accounts were deleted ( not really. who would delete a google account??) They could be jealous of my extreme charm and lack of awkwardness ( i kid) or they may just not relate to me/ know who I am at all.

Hence the following:
Hi, my name is Emily. 

I brush my teeth 4-6 times per day. So if you see me at school with a toothbrush in my mouth, stay calm and try not to be too alarmed. If I could walk around brushing my teeth all the time, I probably would. The only probably I foresee is that it will look like i'm foaming at the mouth. Call me rabies girl.

I write a lot. It's probably unhealthy. You know that weird girl who sits in the back and is constantly writing furiously in her " revel in the chaos" notebook? that would be yours truly.

I have quite a few best friends. But secretly, only one. Rachel Brough, this one is for you. Thanks for letting me be as creepy/weird/crazy/scary/loud/annoying/self-pitying as I want. It's pretty rare, it think, what we have. ( wow, it sounds like we're dating. that would explain all the lesbian jokes)

I'm unforgettable, fine, fresh, fierce, etc. ( Yes, I did just reference Katy Perry) I may have gone to high school in Utah, but I will always tell you I'm from California. It's home. It's me.

I try to love my little siblings unconditionally, and as you mothers out there know, it shocks me how much I learned about love from them. Our perception of love is so screwed up. It isn't about you. It's always about them, seeing them smile and stopping them from crying. Eth and Bella, I love you more than you can ever know.
I don't do my hair. Ever. Unless you consider throwing it into a sloppy mess on top of my head "doing", I guess. It's frizzy and messy and teal on the ends.
you: "Hey, emily do you care?"
me: "No! In fact, I do not. Thank you for asking."

I'm trying my best. I screw up 99% of the time, but I'm still doing all I can to make the world a little bit better. I try to look you in the eye and be as honest as possible. I try to smile at you when I see you because I'm genuinely happy to have you in my life, not just because that's the polite thing to do.  I'm just a girl lost in this world, trying to be happy.

Thanks for following.


Friday, August 26

It all starts {ends} here

The following was written at two in the morning:

The night before school starts is bad for any high school student. Mostly it's full of stress and severe anxiety that's usually completely unnecessary. Nevertheless I spent my night in a state of panic. What if my hair looks ugly? What if I forget to get dressed and I go to school naked? What if everyone hates me? I spent my entire summer not caring about those things in the slightest, but now that school is starting those questions are all that seem to matter. Psychotic, I know.
Do you know what makes that night worse? Waking up at 2 am with one arm aching because you slept on it weird and the other flopping around unaware of where it's proper
Place is with Demi lavato stuck in your head and a frustrating inability to fall Back asleep.

It's all hypothetical of course.

The following was written on the last day of summer:

(but first a little background. I have this nice (80) Days of  Summer book that I wrote in every singe day of summer. This is Day 80.)

"I feel a significantly exaggerated amount of pressure in writing this last entry. Which is silly considering the fact that most likely no one will ever read this. I guess I have this fantasy that my kids will find it one day and begin to eagerly read and maybe even realize that their mother is human. I should probably write down the things I've learned and all the ways that I've grown this Summer, but in all honesty, I feel as if I would be lying. I can't tell you that I'm more mature because who am I to judge that? I thought I was mature at age 11. What I know is that I will never be the same as I was on day one. I've changed. Probably because I'm a teenager, and that's what we do.

Monday, July 25

POST 100

I feel like this post should be full of deep thoughts and insightful paragraphs because it is my hundredth published post. But most likely it won't be. 

Most likely I will say something about boys
Maybe I'll mention my friends
I'll probably say something extremely empowering like " I can do anything" even though I probably can't
I could even write something cornbally about how grateful I am to all my readers (all 2 of them)
You can bet I'll mention how much I hate Mr. Anonymous.


It's kinda funny. Lots of people start blogs. For a lot of different reasons. And maybe I'm wrong, but I think that the only ones who keep writing are those who aren't doing it to tell everyone about their day or see how many followers they can get. I think that we keep going because we are writers, and this is what we love. 

Cheers to the written word.

Remember that time when we both starting looking for Ashton Kutcher at the same time, convinced we were being punked? That was the moment I knew my heart would be yours for a very long time.

P.s. Enjoy the ride, and hold on for dear life.

Friday, May 20

If I get one more ticket, bye bye drivers liscense. that would be tragic.

But don't worry, apparently I'm a pretty decent speech writer and giver(?). So i guess that could always work out. And, according to Tesa Jones, I "should be a writer"....not like I've been planning on it for all eternity....

Tah Dah
 You can read it if you want.

My name is Emily Henson. I can’t sing, I can’t dance, and I can feel a giant zit beginning to form right in between my eyes. I don’t get straight A’s and haven’t won any major awards recently. My name is Emily Henson, and despite all this, I love myself. Now I know I’m not perfect, I have flaws and somedays I just want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world. But it would be an injustice to me, and the people I love, if I let those small imperfections hold me back.
Seven out of ten girls believe that they flat out aren’t good enough, in looks, grades, or relationships. They don’t feel that they measure up to the world’s standards. 75% of those girls have reported that they engage in harmful activities in order to cope. 75% develop an eating disorder, bully others, smoke, drink, or even begin to physically harm themselves. Age 9. An age we associate with freedom. Playing outside. Learning cursive. Recess. Age 9. The age where more than half of all girls have attempted a diet. Age 9.
Is this the kind of world that we want to live in? Do we want a world that tells us from age 9 that we’re never good enough? Sure, that one surgery helps but if you just went on this diet, imagine how beautiful you could really be. In all truth, beauty has nothing to do with the the color of our eyes or the measurement of our waist lines. Beauty is developed when you finally give yourself permission to look in the mirror and smile.
Now boys. You’re thinking this in no way applies to you. You may not care what your hair looks like or if your outfit matches completely. No, self esteem isn’t an issue for males. They’re tough. They don’t need reassurance. They are born with confidence. Well I’m here to tell you that that is a lie. I won’t pretend to be an expert on the male mind, but I do know that every time he runs a little faster, every time he gets the girl, and every time you don’t live up to the expectations of being a man, your self confidence drops.
In order to change this seemingly unchangeable trend for our children, for our friends, and for ourselves, we have to start now. Sven Goran Eriksson once said, “To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.” Let’s stop wasting ourselves. We all have a purpose in this world. We all have the opportunity to be great. And yet we all seem to so easily forget that.
We see the characters on the screen, their perfect lives. Their perfect bodies and perfect lovers. We have been letting fiction fool us into thinking that a perfect life is flawless. A real perfect life only requires one thing: knowing you deserve to live it. All this negativity and judgement gets piled up in our minds until finally, we feel nothing but insecurity and incompetence. The world will try and tell us that we can’t do it, that we’re not good enough. And we have the power to stand up and say to them that yes we are, and yes we can.
Wake up in the morning and smile. Smile at yourself in the mirror, smile at the people you come in contact with, and smile just because you can. It’s astonishing the impact that one smile can have on the people around us, and on our own happiness.
I know smiling can’t fix absolutely everything. We doubt ourselves everyday. We see our flaws, and we automatically assume that that is all everyone else sees. We’re wrong. We have the ability to ignore our flaws, but even greater is our ability to transform them into our strengths.
Strengths. What makes us firm, what gives us our power. We all have them, we just need to explore ourselves in order to discover them. And when you do, don’t be afraid to use them. Show them off. Don’t let fear keep you from shining, from making a difference. As Marrianne Williamson once said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
My name is Emily Henson, I am powerful beyond measure, and I deserve to live my life to the fullest. I don’t have time to list all your names, all your faults, and all your strengths. So I deliver this challenge to you today. Don’t let the people of this world tell us who we are to be, what we are to look like, and how we are to act.  Don’t ever forget how much you mean to the people who surround you, and how much we don’t give a crap about the zit on your forehead. And maybe one day you will realize that you deserve to be just as happy as the rest of the world seems to be.

Does anyone even put pop tarts in the toaster anymore?

....this post is obviously about Nathan Gallagher