Wednesday, June 13

This is a thank you post

She was born to make art with words. She was born to make you feel things with letters and spaces and punctuation.

She was born to make art with her body and the way she lives. She was born to be beautifully her.

He was born to make me feel better, and to laugh with me. He was born to smile.

He was born to show people how good they can be. To prove that good people come from bad situations and that chances are worth taking.

She was born to teach me to love. She was born to be my best friend. She was born to teach me to laugh and to cry and to ignore people to see if they really care...

She was born to teach me sacrifice. She was born to teach me the definition of selflessness, and the power of optimism.

She was born to be free. She was born to travel and to explore. She was born to prove that strangers can sometimes be trusted.

He was born to serve God. He was just born to.

She was born to make you love her. To always be there. She was born to watch old movies with and to discuss politics.

He was born to show people perfection. To teach me how to love unconditionally, and how easily I would beat up a first grader who tells him his brain is weird.

She was born because you need opposition in all things. She is love and hate. Anger and affection. Trial and blessing.

He was born to show me how to grow. And to teach me that sometimes life isn't fair, but it's important to do your best anyway. And that age and maturity are unrelated.

She was born to raise people up. To let them know that they're special. To mean every word she says.

He was born to understand me. He was born to raise my self esteem when no one else can. He was born to keep my secrets.

He was born to make people laugh. But then surprise you with his intellect and general goodness.

She was made to be beautiful. To be full of mystery yet utterly simple.

(Rachel, I know you know who everyone is. Shhhhh)

Tuesday, June 5


Who even blogs these days?