Dearest Rain,
i opened my door and was shocked by the sudden sound of your drops pounding the cement. I felt like i was underwater, with fish flying around my head as i ran to the car. i use the phrase "under water" because i got so wet that i could've jumped into the pool and maintained the same degree of drench. the fish flying....i don't know honestly, i just wanted there to be fish, flying fish. when exiting my motor vehicle i screamed and began to run. run out of this downpour. I then stopped, and thought. why am i running? the rain isn't chasing after me, it is falling down on me. no matter how i run and dodge, ultimate dampness is inevitable. so then i laughed out loud, and began to dance. dancing in the rain: original, i know. spinning and twirling in the cinnemark parking lot. (getting HARRY POTTER tickets, but that is a whole other message in a bottle). thanks for teaching me to dance.
metaphor ^
life sucks sometimes, and it seems that when it rains, it pours. but its all about the attitude. will you choose to run, or dance in the rain?
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