Sunday, January 2

Un Regreting

I don't like regrets, so I'm choosing not to  have any.
It's not that I am now going to think that everything I do is perfect, and I know I don't always make the right choice. But its time to get over it. Apologize if needed and don't dwell on it. It's not worth my thoughts.
No more I should have.
No more I shouldn't have.
Just I did.

I am glad that I stage dived onto two love sacks, even if it only gave me a bloody nose.
 See, normally I would probably regret it, but hey, it's a story to tell, right? (and it makes me sound like a weirdo, but that is beside the point)

also, i refuse to feel blank.
blank and useless is a horrible feeling.
so i write, then the paper is filled, and no longer blank.

I thought that what I was waiting for was never going to happen, like waiting for an American to be born with and English accent. But it happened.  After all those people told me to give up, to let go, it happened. And I couldn't be happier. For this and for so much more, I would like to thank Ms. Reese, my 9th grade English teacher.

She assigned us a last minute Romeo and Juliet project. We had to work in groups, and I was left without a group, feeling awkward and like everyone in the entire world was staring at me. Instead of asking my friends I had in that class if I could join them, I felt an impulse to ask Brooklyn, Tesa, and Kelly if I could join their group. I got up the courage and acted on it. We made a music video, and ended up asking Parker, Dane, Gabe, and Zack(a stranger at the time) to be in our movie with us. They all became some of my closest friends, and through them I met some of the most important people in my life. One of those people is my best friend, one is my boy toy ;). Because of these people I moved to Alpine and transferred to Lone Peak.
I finally feel like I'm where I belong.
Thank you Ms. Reese.

one more thing,

1. I need to tell you something, look at 11
2. It's really important that you know, so look to 8
3. I'm just going to say it. Look at 13
4. Last one I promise, look to 9.
5. It's coming, I promise, go to 14
6. I'm just nervous, I'll tell you, at 3
7. I'm working up the courage, look to 10
8. I know, I know. You're getting angry. look at 12, you're almost there.
9. I just want to tell you that I love you
10. Alright, here it comes, at 15
11. I'm going to tell you, go to 6
12. Just look at 4.
13. I know, you're probably getting bugged, go to 7
14.You're almost there, now look at 2
15. Be patient, look at 5

As a Jello lid once told me,
Ready Set Jiggle.

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