Wednesday, May 25

The Stages of Indie

DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that any of this is necessarily a bad thing...
stage one: the indie obsession
Symptoms: Obsession with new music, clothes from DI, and old inventions. Hatred of anyone who likes the same bands, etc, as you. Trying to become friends with people you never really have wanted to become friends with.
Google searches may include: "how to dress indie" "indie music" "what does indie mean" "how to be indie"
stage two: the indie mock
symptoms: endless jokes about being mainstream or indie. wearing ugly clothes(not the oddly beautiful ones, the just plain ugly and everyone knows it ones) a sudden obsession for crafts, denying that you are in any way, indie
Google searches may include: "Hipster Ariel""Hipster Kitty" "Hipster Hitler"
stage three: the if you say indie like that one more time, i'm going to slit your throat
Symp-enough said
stage four: the finally knowing who you are stage
symptoms: getting rid of the bands you pretended to like, lack of indie related google searches
if you find yourself able to casually use the words indie, hipster, or mainstream in normal conversations, you may just be cured.

Mom? I think I have a case of the Indies.....*gasp*


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.