Thursday, June 16

Forgive me Father, For I have sinned

Confession Time.

1.Most girls roll their eyes and make a disgusted snort noise when a car full of boys drives pasts hooting and holloring. How Dare They? We are not simply objects for them to shout their approval at!

I feel guilty for not feeling that way. I like it. I like boys who wolf whistle at me.....maybe it's my insecurity kicking in....

2. Copying is the highest form of flattery
You know what? I'd rather be insulted.

3. I download music illegally off the internet.

4. This song. This dance. Made me cry. 

5. This post has something to do with Nathan Gallagher


  1. Oh my gosh! *sniffle*

    I haven't even seen any of this season. And I started to cry at this.

    I miss you Em! :)

  2. Ohmigosh. Emily.

    I'm really sick of reading all these posts about Nathan.


  3. Gah. So good.

    Also, I think we're the same person: I'm right there with you on all five. Just kidding, not really #5. (Well.. maybe all my posts are about Nathan Gallagher, too?)



if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.