n-tris-i-tee, ek-sen-]- oddity or peculiarity, as of conduct: an interesting man, known for his eccentricities.
2.the quality of being eccentric.
3.the amount by which something is eccentric.
I'm losing followers by the second. They're dropping like flies. One by one. And then there were 17...and any other cliches you can think of.
Am I really that annoying? Not that it surprises me, really. But in order to raise my self esteem i've tried my hardest to come up with logical reasons that people stopped liking my blog. It could be that their google accounts were deleted ( not really. who would delete a google account??) They could be jealous of my extreme charm and lack of awkwardness ( i kid) or they may just not relate to me/ know who I am at all.
Hence the following:
Hi, my name is Emily.
I brush my teeth 4-6 times per day. So if you see me at school with a toothbrush in my mouth, stay calm and try not to be too alarmed. If I could walk around brushing my teeth all the time, I probably would. The only probably I foresee is that it will look like i'm foaming at the mouth. Call me rabies girl.
I write a lot. It's probably unhealthy. You know that weird girl who sits in the back and is constantly writing furiously in her " revel in the chaos" notebook? that would be yours truly.
I have quite a few best friends. But secretly, only one. Rachel Brough, this one is for you. Thanks for letting me be as creepy/weird/crazy/scary/loud/annoying/self-pitying as I want. It's pretty rare, it think, what we have. ( wow, it sounds like we're dating. that would explain all the lesbian jokes)
I'm unforgettable, fine, fresh, fierce, etc. ( Yes, I did just reference Katy Perry) I may have gone to high school in Utah, but I will always tell you I'm from California. It's home. It's me.
I try to love my little siblings unconditionally, and as you mothers out there know, it shocks me how much I learned about love from them. Our perception of love is so screwed up. It isn't about you. It's always about them, seeing them smile and stopping them from crying. Eth and Bella, I love you more than you can ever know.
I don't do my hair. Ever. Unless you consider throwing it into a sloppy mess on top of my head "doing", I guess. It's frizzy and messy and teal on the ends.
you: "Hey, emily do you care?"
me: "No! In fact, I do not. Thank you for asking."
I'm trying my best. I screw up 99% of the time, but I'm still doing all I can to make the world a little bit better. I try to look you in the eye and be as honest as possible. I try to smile at you when I see you because I'm genuinely happy to have you in my life, not just because that's the polite thing to do. I'm just a girl lost in this world, trying to be happy.
Thanks for following.