Thursday, September 29

That's super weird, cause Andrew and I are dating.

I fell into this thing we call the rabbit whole and I'm emerging someone completely new. At first it's subtle, but soon I'm asking Griffin Kerr to a dance and running through the Smith's parking lot dressed as an old man* and pulling down four pairs of giant underwear in public**. But I'm still scared to go to english class and wear high wasted pants, so maybe the old me is still somewhere below the surface. Or I guess it's possible that I just don't really know who "I" am. Is this what they call growing up?

Me: "It's going to be a great day" *stretches arms*
Giant Zit: "HA!"

*I know what you're thinking. "Clever Em, that is so random, how did you think of such a funny thing? You must be making it up, because no one who is allowed outside of a mental institution does that". Truth is folks, totes*** did that.

**And that. yeah....


Neon isn't a color, it's a state of being.


  1. Hey maybe your giant zit is mine's friend. Because honestly that's what I thought this morning and I swear mine said the same thing.

  2. What are you TALKING ABOUT? I am the one dating Andrew.


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.