Wednesday, November 14

An Apology.

I'm sorry I haven't been around lately.

It's not you, it isn't even me. It's just time passing and people getting old and hair turning gray. 
Or in my case black.

I'm trying to stop apologizing for everything I do. But I'm sorry, I really am.

I'm stuck in this limbo between good and evil. wrong and write. youth and maturity. And the seam that God hastily stitched down my middle is beginning to tear. 
17-year-old girls aren't meant to be the subject of tug-of-wars.
But in this state of unrest I found you, love. I found you and this time you took everything and you scare the hell out of me. Never let me go. Never let them take me. 
"You have to choose," says the devil and angel tells me I'm running out of time now.
The fools.
 I'll choose you every time.

Because me and and you just are. Like we were supposed to be.
You love me even when I'm stubborn. You love me without make up on. You love me in silence and you even love me in darkness. And I think that's pretty damn beautiful.

I've never jumped off a cliff this high.
Isn't it thrilling?

He kissed me when I was in the middle of a sentence and that is all that matters.



if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.