Tuesday, November 2

Acceptance vs. Exceptance

Irony is a funny thing. It doesn't mean "having qualities like unto the metal iron" as i once thought, but instead means "to make words mean the opposite of what they say".
Close your eyes and say these words out loud.
"Acceptance" "Exceptance"
Two words that are undistinguishable by hearing only, but, ironically, mean the exact opposite. To accept someone means to take them the way they are, and always have been. Accept them into your arms, your circle of friends, or just accept their kindness. It's quite the popular word right now, everyone is stating that they accept everyone, but in the back of their mind they are thinking..."Except that one girl...." Except.
Same sound
Opposite meaning
Oh the irony.
But how often is acceptance mixed with exceptance. Accepting someone doesn't require pretending that they are not who they are, butIt doesn't mean excepting them from something just becuase of who they are, or where they come from either. Why do colleges have to accept a certain number of latino students? Just to be called a diverse school? Yet it's all obscured. Never is a letter recieved that states: Thank you for applying! We regret to inform you that you would have got in, except we had reached our white limit this year. Change your skin color and reapply, thank you for your consideration.
We can accept people without making them an exception.
Love isn't being kind because of their trials, their skin color, or the face that they are a minority in anyway.
Love isn't accepting charity cases, except only the ones that benefit you.

People aren't charity cases. Not some electronic to be rewired. Sure, you can sit there and feel good about yourself because you were nice to the girl that you've always been rude to today because you finally found out where she came from, and what she's been through. Maybe you would feel better to have known that in her hardest times, you were there, not because you wanted to be the goddess who surprisingly swooped in, but because you were there from the beginning. Because you didn't know her story, you just knew she had one.

Friendship is saying: I accept you. But you're not an exception.


  1. This is an 'a____' post. Worthy of my phone calling.

    "Because you didn't know her story, you just knew she had one"

    Let's be best friends.

    ...oh wait.



if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.