Monday, November 15

Optomism, Hollywood, and Lies

What are words more than borrowed air, turned into emotion? If that is so, than we as people have no right to take the air from the universe and breathe it out as hurtful sentences and phrases.

What would you say if what you breathed out, others breathed in, and had to say as well? A positive output is a positive input to a stranger, or even an acquaintance. What if one positive  feeling breathed in, cleared your head of every pessimistic thought and left only good things to say. What would you put out, only to breathe back in.
Rudeness, Judgments, and Negativity breed off each other and off themselves. One person's ignorantly cruel comment creates a situation that can have 1 of two outcomes
1. The people around that commentator breathe it in, and out comes more and more rude and mean remarks.
2. Those people choose to stand for something, and turn the scenario from a negative, awkward standstill into a positive situation by choosing to breathe out optimistic thoughts.

 Its our choice. Choose happiness.

If we're completely honest with ourselves....Alli and Noah would have never gotten back together. Cinderella would have been left scrubbing floors for the rest of her life, and Edward would have killed Bella on the spot.
But if we were all taught that from the beginning, no one would have dared to dream. And without those dreamers...well, we'd most likely still be cavemen.
So dream big, fall desperately in love, and live happily ever after.

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if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.