Wednesday, November 17

It's black and it's white

I've been called twice to do my road test, and each time I don't call him back, because I am so freaking scared. I feel comfortable driving, I'm just so scared to mess up and fail.

Dear People who tell WAY too much about their personal lives in church meetings,

It just makes us feel awkward. Please stop.
Didn't need to hear that

Dear Harry Potter 7 the movie,

NUDITY?!?!? REALLY??! go ahead, ruin the one clean movie I was planning on seeing this year.

Dear Random Text Messages telling me you care,

How did you know I needed that?
You must have ESPN or something

Dear You,

Thanks for reading this pathetically personal and eccentric blog.
Dear Piano

Here, let me tell you my life story in notes an rests.

Musically Challenged,  and loving it.

Don't Smoke: You may think you look cool or above it all, but really, it just proves your stupidity.


  1. Emily. I love your blog so so much. Thanks for all of the inspiration and insight!

    Where do you get all of these photos? They are really good! Also, why'd you have to ruin the party by telling us not to smoke? Rats. he. I kid. That non-smoking note was supra!

    I like you a lot.

    P.s. Maybe I've had your blog open for a while to listen to your good music while doing (or pretending to do) homework. You have good taste.

  2. Dearest Ally:
    Thanks for actually reading this, haha.I get my photos usually just from hours of searching google images,, and
    Ally, that nonsmokiing add was specifically for you. we're getting sick of your smokers' breath.;)

    thanks. i <3 music. though i have no talent in the subject.

    i like you as well:)

    go musically challenged people. unite



if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.