This picture is from National Geographic. my dream job is to write and photograph for them, one day.
I will be the one taking this picture. I promise you.
I like oDd things. Odd people especially. And odd things that relatively normal people do.Ever notice how soemtimes, when talking to someone, you constistantly hing five or somehow make ohysical contact repeatedly. like tapping their shoulder or slapping their hands. I noticed myself doing it a couple of days ago, and now have noticed just how much I participate in this weird activity. And how no one notices or says anything really....maybe I just like physical contact, eh?
The girl who site next to me in math will randomly start humming, louder thank she thinks, and she isn't exactly.....on pitch? I secretly love her for it.
Also in math, we always say " you are so goodlooking," instead of the classic "bless you" everytime someone sneezes.
People who use cool words and phrases make me want to be their friend. go vocabulary.
If you love reading, then i love you. thats all. reading is simply delightful. i feel like falling into a good book means becoming someone you're not, and feeling things you never felt. i don't care if it's just a fantasy. fiction is the base of all reality.
Be OdD