Saturday, May 29


Summer is here.
And the weird thing makes me sad.
I want more than anything to find a group of friends, or at least a single friend, that i can count on. I want someone that i can trust. I want a group that i can completely feel comfortable around and that i can call my best friends. Lately i have felt so close to finding that person, and maybe even that group. But now, school is over, and the fear of loneliness of the coming summer is taunting me.
Friday was my last day of school as a freshman at the junior high. Next year I go to high school as a sophomore. My school separates into two high schools, AF and LP. I would say that 75% of the freshman will go to LP. Of course, I', part of the 25% that will go to AF. Joy. The last couple weeks have made going to AF that much harder. It seems that I've made so many new friends recently, and all i want to do is hang out with them in hopes of finding where i belong. But they will all go to Lp, and I will be the lonely AFer. Will I be the forgotten one? the one who never gets invited? Its possible. It's probable. It seems inevitable.
Summer brings joy with the freedom of the sun, but a lazy summer without friends is worse than a packed school year with them.
I pray that through the summer i will find what i'm looking for and that people will accept me for me. because that is all i have to offer.

Monday, May 3


When people think
That no one will notice.
That it doesn't matter,
because no one will know.
They are fooling themselves.

The world will remember.
The world never forgets,
and never leaves an action

Don't think that no one is watching,
Don't act selfishly,
Because one day those words.
Because one day those thoughts.
Because one day those deeds.
will return to you.

So be prepared.
Good or bad.

Utah Weather? lEmOn

Welcome to Utah, where in spring it SNOWs. Beside the point, today was decently warm, but not warm enough for me. Being a California Native, I am used to this weather I am experiencing December. Though the sun is out and shining, the wind still blows and the air is chill. Definitely not how God intended May 3rd. May is supposed to be the transition month between warm April and and stifling June, but instead, it is the month of chilling winds and rain.

I wonder how much sugar this lemonade will need. More than my daily limit, that's for sure.

Saturday, May 1


I know my life is not the best example of this, and funnily enough, i don't even like lemonade.

What separates a good day from a bad one? what changes lemons into lemonade? I know you've heard this before. i know that it is not as easy as it sounds. trust me. i know. But i'm going to say it anyway. it's attitude. It's the way you view the situation you are given. We may not have a choice as to what happens to us, but no one can take away the ability we have to choose our reaction. Be prepared for cliches. Because here they come. When life gives us lemonade, no one questions why. No one is grateful for those moments of joy, but not when life gives us lemons. We curse the stars. We wonder why we deserve this bitterness. If only we all knew that it is not just a phrase. Good can be made of any situation. All lemons, when treatecd right, can turn inot lemonade. And think...if we didn't have lemons, how could we know the ironic goodness of lemonade?