Monday, October 25

The Truth Behind My Messages in Bottles

GO RIDE A BIKE before it's too late.

My school notebook has become a venting journal, that if certain people were to find the result would be disastrous. I fill pages and pages with lines of poetry, quotes, and thoughts that fly into my unorganized brain. I always try and hide the pages as i flip through trying to find my math hw, my chemistry notes, or english essay.
On my way home from school, I walked past a little stream. i stopped and looked at its simple beauty. The water flowed steadily down into an unknown territory. Thinking of my school notebook, i pulled out a sheet of secrets, put it in my empty water bottle, and sent it flowing down the mini river. I couldn't stop smiling, i was finally free. Free from negative thoughts, secrets, and emotional uprisings. I didn't watch it go down, I don't want to know if anyone found it, or how far it got. It will probably never be read, but hey, you might be reading this and thinking of that note you found in the stream behind your house. maybe one day we'll fall in love, or become best friends. Or maybe you'll be comforted knowing that you're not the only one who feels. i have no idea the purpose, but i know i have a release that i have never known before. My m3ssag3s in a bottl3

By the way:

Saturday, October 23

rain, rain, please just stay

Dearest Rain,
i opened my door and was shocked by the sudden sound of your drops pounding the cement. I felt like i was underwater, with fish flying around my head as i ran to the car. i use the phrase "under water" because i got so wet that i could've jumped into the pool and maintained the same degree of drench. the fish flying....i don't know honestly, i just wanted there to be fish, flying fish. when exiting my motor vehicle i screamed and began to run. run out of this downpour. I then stopped, and thought. why am i running? the rain isn't chasing after me, it is falling down on me. no matter how i run and dodge, ultimate dampness is inevitable. so then i laughed out loud, and began to dance. dancing in the rain: original, i know. spinning and twirling in the cinnemark parking lot. (getting HARRY POTTER tickets, but that is a whole other message in a bottle). thanks for teaching me to dance.

metaphor ^

life sucks sometimes, and it seems that when it rains, it pours. but its all about the attitude. will you choose to run, or dance in the rain?


Sunday, October 17

Fork Fest Fantastic

The best parts of fork fest:

1. Being with Ben and Ally
2. Being with Rachel for 29 hours
3. Flirting with lots and lots of Indie guys:)
4. Making sick bracelets
5. Smoothies
6. Crepes
7. buying bracelets
8. Joshua James, picture with
9. Joshua James, dance moves
10. Joshua James, beautiful voice
11. Man singing with Joshua James
12. Night Night
13. Imagine Dragons
14. Indie guys
15. Indie guys
16. Indie guys
17. Fashion
18. All my friends coming
19. All of the Above:)

Wednesday, October 13


Height: Unknown
Hair Color: Unknown
Voice: Deep
Last Seen: In a Locker
Wanted For: Being the most hilarious, creative person at AF.
Last Conversation: In a locker, talking about how you were the coolest person I've met. It was cut short by a teacher yelling at us and going to get the principal. I fled. I want to know who you are, mystery locker man. I want to marry you.

Tuesday, October 12


I saw her in the hall today. I know her name, and I know that she went to Mt. Ridge with me, but nothing more. I couldn't have prepared myself for what I saw, because I've never spoken more than five words to her, and there is no way i could have ever known why she was crying. It was just a glimpse of a tear, one of those moments where the light glistens off the moisture falling down her cheek, but it was enough to make me take a second look at the girl who I know of, but don't really know. My mind started bickering back and forth. Half of me wanted to reach out and give her the hug I knew she probably needed, but the other, more dominant, half shrunk at the challenge of my confidence and told me to keep on walking. I listened to the latter. I guess I will never know if she would've told me what the matter was and broke down into my arms or just simply given a small, "nothing," and moved on, but I wish I would have stopped and listened. I wish I would have thought about her before myself.

Monday, October 11

Ode To Zack

Today was my best friend's birthday.
Zack. you are so freaking awesome. i jsut sat there...trying o think of a word to describe you besides awesome, but there are not enough words for how much i love you. seriously.
I loved kidnapping you:)
i think i'll grow up to be a kidnapper....i get some creepy satisfaction out of it....( whoa, did i type that?..No...who wrote that? ASHTON!?!?!)
happy birthday zack
i love you so much

Wednesday, October 6


You know what I've always wanted to do? ( wait, sidenote: abrie would kill me if she read that rhetorical question, sorry abrie) THROUGH ORNAMENTS AT PEOPLE. yes, you read me right. the glass, christmas colored, shiny, mirror-like spheres that you hang on trees. and yes, throw them at PEOPLE. They would shatter. chingchingching. into 10000000000 pieces. it sounds so satisfying. please dont report me to the athourities.
much obliged:
The Christmas Ornament Bandit.

Monday, October 4


oh the joy that comes from reading the first paragraph of GMH entries and adding GMH at the end. This post is dedicated to Jack Donaghee.

I was the dorky nerd girl in high school, who had a crush on my friend's private-school-frat-boy older brother. I also never had a slow dance. that GMH.

In Mexico last year I went swimming in a waterfall with a group of strangers. That GMH.

My boyfriend's grandparents are both in the hospital in separate rooms.That GMH.

Today at my school we had a big charity walk. A little boy in one of the younger grades is in a wheelchair. GMH.

I know. i'm a horrible person for laughing at awkward girls, strangers, separated lovers, and wheelchairs. but come one, you laughed:)

Sunday, October 3


song lyrics make my life worth loving
its incredible how lyricists can send such a deep message in a couple words.
i sounds so cheesy
but read these:

Maybe if you listened,
You'd hear me scream inside
Maybe you'd see my secret tears
If you looked me in the eye.
But knowing requires caring.
If you realize you have to heal
If you look deeply in yourself
You actually have to feel.
Love and hate go hand in hand
One cannot balance without the other
Their tracks are always parallel
Love helps hate recover.
You pass me in the street
Your eyes flicker down to watch the ground.
I sit on the corner,
You could smile, but you walk around.

I want to jump in from of this cab.
Maybe then the world would learn.
You would wish you would've smiled.
What would you feel by the events twisted turn?
I want you to cry,
And wonder who I was.
Why did I through myself away?
And were you the cause?
What happened to common courtesy?
And friendliness and faith?
It's cruel that to get you to notice,
Tragedy has to be the case.

I won't jump in front of this cab,
Because tomorrow there will be someone else.
And if I'm gone I can't smile,
And stop them from hurting themselves.

General Comedy

I'm a horrible person:)
when the prophet spoke today in General Conference, he mentioned the widows that he has visited int he first 15 seconds. Not thinking before I spoke (which is always a good idea) I said, "Not the widows," and sighed. My mom found this hilarious. I love Thomas S. Monson, but i feel like saying, "come on dude. we know about the widows"in a completely joking manner. We couldn't stop laughing and had to pause his talk just to catch our breathe.
It gets better. The second to last guy was the funniest of them all. His face showed no emotion whatsover, yet his voice continually cracked and squealed with unseen tears. He sounded like an emotional wreck going through puberty. Maybe we were still high off of the "widow buzz" but this caused another session of uncontrollable laughter.

So today we were able to get spiritually fed and burn some calories all at the same time:)

guys, love, and confusion

Boys are the most confusing creatures on this entire planet. One day he loves me, the next day its like I annoy him. For once I thought I had something. For once he made me happy, and i thought I made him happy as well. Maybe not. I still don't know. Like I said, its all so very confusing. Oh well. He doesn't choose my mood anymore:) I was sick of being sad one second and happy the next, all because of one person. I was being tossed around without my feelings given a second thought, I've decided that I won't let him rule my life. I'm done sacrificing to try and make things work. I still adore him, but if he doesn't like me, so be it. If he wants to talk he can call, but I'm not going to call him every night. I'm not playing hard to get, I'm just choosing happiness. If you are reading this, which I hope you don't know my blog, but if you are, know that I still care so much, but I'm done being the only one trying. <3>

One day I was up,
The next day I was down,

My sanity rested safely in your arms,

Until you threw it into the air

And caught it with your sly charms.

It was you, love
Who chose my mood.
Even when I didn't want you to.

I can't believe I lived like that.
I don't depend on you.

And yes, love, I still care.

But I won't cry if you're not there.
Because now I smile and laugh on my own.
I'm no longer tangled in your love's snare.

You still make me happy,
But you're no longer the only one.

If you could only see me now, love.
Life is so lovely on my own.

Kanecia and I were craving Panda Express. ALL.DAY. LONG. by the time we got her dad to actually take us, our mouths were too close to watering for comfort. The orange chicken was calling me. Did I mention it was 10:45 at night? It was. We pulled into the drive through and heard the usual, "Welcome to Panda Express, order when you're ready." After deciding what we wanted we told the man that we were, in fact, ready. no response. We then tried everything we could think of to get his attention. We honked, and yelled. We flashed our lights and even backed up only to pull back in. Nothing worked. Giving up on the drive through, we decided to go in, so we pulled around only to find that all the food was put away and the door was locked. Why oh why, had he told us to order when we were ready? I'm guessing he had a very fun time watching us go crazy at the speaker, while all the employees laughed their butts off. you're welcome for the entertainment.