Friday, December 24

Ya'at'eeh keshmish

I'm taking this opportunity to post because our computer is broken, so any internet access draws me in like a magnet.

I'm now sixteen and have my liscense. I love this FREEDOM. that's all i have to say about that..

It's Christmas tomorrow.
This has been one of worst Christmas's of my life, but somehow it's been the best by far. I spent the 19-21 on the Navajo reservation in Arizona, serving the people there. I can't even begin to tell you how much it changed me. All I want to do since returning has been, serve, sing, and dance. The people down there are so humble, and so so grateful. 

People in our country, one state away, are living in severe poverty. Huts (hogans) with dirt floors, some without coats and gloves. The look their faces and the tears that filled their eyes as we gave them simple things changes you in the blink of an eye. 

For three days I didn't care what my hair looked like, I didn't feel self conscious because I had no make up on. i just wanted to make a difference in the lives of the people who made all the difference in mine.
What would He do? How would the one who we celebrate always, have you do during this Christmas season?

I find myslef annoyed with laziness and selfishness. AFter seeing so much need, and seeing the rewards of 3 days of hard work, how can I jsut sit donw and aimlessly watch TV? I can't.

If you had only 1 day to live, how would you live it? Who would you live it with? What would you do?

Would you tell them you love them,
Would you kiss her/him
Would you smile
Would you cry
Would you serve
Would you surround yourslef with those you love
Would you watch TV?

What if you had an entire lifetime?
Shouldn't you live the same way, and just be grateful it can last longer?
So go serve someone today, smile with Christmas cheer, and wish them a Ya'at'eeh Keshmish. Kiss her, tell him you love him, and be bold. This is our chance.

Oh Holy night

Friday, December 17

it's all one story.

This Is Lilly
Lilly walks out of her house, like any other day, but she has no idea.

A taxi driver is getting coffee in Starbucks when a man who was late for a meeting, because his wife had been in a bad mood due to a cold she had gotten from her sister, ran into his shoulder, and his coffee went all over the floor. After ordering a new coffee and waiting for it he gets in his cab and picks up a man coming out of the post office because he forgot to mail an important bill that needed to be there the next day or else a $75 fee would apply.The man tells the taxi driver to take him home, and asks him to hurry because his five year old slipped on the ice and broke his leg.

They drive down the busy street and the driver turns down a small road. The road his ex girlfriend showed him as a shortcut to get downtown. The man looks out the window to see a small girl, sitting alone on the curb. He asks the driver to stop. The driver, listening to the news on the radio especially loud because of an intriguing murder that happened the night before, doesn't hear him. The man asks him again, tapping his shoulder this time. The driver stops and the man gets out to help the little girl, (who it turns out fell and twisted her ankle) reach her mother. 

Lilly walks out of her house. Her little house on a hidden road. She opens the door to her car, pulls out her keys, and feels a gun barrel placed on her back. The young man tells her to get in the trunk. She screams, helplessly, but the lonely road seems silent. The man hits her with the butt of the gun. Lilly is unconciouce.

He just said goodbye to the little girl and her mother when the man hears the scream. He runs toward the sound in time to see Lilly being shut into the trunk. Acting on impulse, he tackles the  young man, who had put down the gun, thinking no one was around. They struggle and finally it seems the criminal has won. He reaches for his gun, but finds it gone.

The driver cocks the gun and holds it against the young man's head. He puts his hands up and surrenders. 
Lilly hears the trunk unlock, even in her sleep, and is lifted out of the car and soon placed in an ambulence.

so much for like any other day.

We all play so many parts that we could never imagine.

If The man whose wife had a cold hadn't been late
If he watched where he was going instead of running into the taxi driver
If the man had remembered to mail his bill on time.
If his five year old hadn't slipped, so the driver didn't feel the need to hurry
If the driver hadn't ever met his grilfriend
If the girl hadn't twisted her ankle
If the man had ignored her
If the driver had stopped the first time
If the murder never occured
If there had been a 5 second difference.

Then Lilly would be dead.

Don't underestimate yourself, your influence, and your good deeds. They don't go unnonoticed, people are just too selfish and shy to say thank you. it doesn't mean they aren't grateful.

Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 14

Cheers Darling

I sometimes feel unworthy to write on this blog. I constantly think of what I want to say, how I want to say it. Then somehow it seems, that someone else thinks it first, or at least they post it first. Then, if posted, my thoughts are merely replicas of others', in different words and with different vocabulary. I don't want to be a clone of someone else's insight. But keeping what I want to scream out inside seems horribly cruel to myself.

So here I am, screaming it anyway.

A lot of the time I go into a panic, wondering if people can read my mind. After thinking something mean, judgmental, or simply embarrassing I look up from my hands- which I am usually staring at- and look at everyone around me. If someone makes eye contact, or turns their head sharply from me, as if they were afraid I would catch them staring, my heart races and I freak out for a minute, before I tell myself that people can't hear my thoughts. No matter how many times I tell myself that, I still panic.

All Parents hold their kids back. Whether they know it or not. Some do it by pushing them too hard, forcing them into something that they don't want to do. Forcing them to practice for hours and hours, when really they'd rather be painting, or maybe writing. Some don't push hard enough, and their children, unmotivated, stay in the same place their entire lives. For me, I hold myself back. But I'm done.

I am giving myself permission:
  • To laugh really loud, even if I am alone
  • To hug a little longer, even if they let go first
  • To sing in front of people
  • To not wear any make up
  • To blog without stressing
  • To like the same bands as you
  • To like different bands
  • To sleep in
  • To give myself a break
  • To say yes when I want to say yes
  • To say no
  • To hurt your feelings
  • To keep trying
  • To fail
  • To collapse into your arms
  • To be selfish once in a while
  • To act on impulses
  • To forgive you
  • To cry once in a while
  • To be bold
  • To go swimming in the winter
  • To shout my opinion
  • To dance, however horribly
  • To sit closer
  • To not care about what you think
  • To be brutally honest
  • To let silence be silent
  • To be silly, and maybe a little immature
  • To never be ashamed
  • To turn off the televison
  • To go back to sleep so I can dream
  • To read for hours and hours
  • To highlight things
  • To watch lifetime movies and eat ice cream
  • To ask questions
  • To stop playing games
  • To grow old
  • To go against everyone's advice, and take my own

Because I deserve to
That's Why

Cheers to a new me

Sunday, December 12

Because I have a Pathelogical Need to Write

When I have a thought I write it down immedietly
On My ipod
Pn My Phone

Or On this here blog

I wrote this while people thought I was rudely texting while hanging out.

"Why does everyone want to stand out for fashion and style, for eccentricity and oddness? Stand for what you stand for, and don't give in because someone else is standing with you. A force is stronger with two. Sincerity is so much more important than peculiarity. if you are peculiar, be peculiarity. But be different because you are who you and and never stray.  That is rarer than any trend or quirk. So be who you are, be true to your thoughts Become what you want to be, but don't pretend to be it. Never fake it till you make it, because fake is never as real as it may seem."

Don't search for a label,
even if that label is ' unique' or 'unlabeled'

Sorry for semi-copying you ben.
But how hypocritical would i be not to post this, yeah?

oh wait
I should be doing homework

Wednesday, December 8

when in doubt, blog it out.

Here I am in Newspaper, wondering what to do. Dearest blog, you are always there for me when I am bored/have some profound thought. So I will now find cute pictures and quotes and fun little gadgets.
hereeee weeee goooo.

Some women hold up dresses that are so ugly and they always say the same thing: ‘This looks much better on.’ On what? On fire?

Always laugh when you can. It is cheaper than medicine…

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Probably my least favorite thing. in the entire universe.
Can I jsut ask you a question?
What gives you the right to do one thing so much that it is practically your religion and then hate me for doing it once, by accident even? Do you think you are so much better than me that even though I forgave you thousands of times, you can't find it in your heart to forgive me once?

Here's a hint. You're not me. You don't know me, really. You have no right to judge me, label me, or even hate me.

so get over yourself.

No one feels sorry for a hypocrite.

Tuesday, December 7

Strangers With Stories

I have a creepy fascination with strangers. I like to make up stories about who they are and why they are doing what they're doing. I also love to photograph them. Document a piece of their lives, and they will never know that they were my subject. Maybe one day they'll die, and i will have a picture of them. A memory of theirs that no one else documented.

I wonder why they're buying a frozen pie..was he going home to his wife and kids from a long day at work and thought that his wife deserved a treat, or is he a widower, going home to be completely alone. I will most likely never know, and it doesn't really matter, but i still wonder. Kind of cool, eh?

Some of my favorite nonacquaintances

Monday, December 6

All the sighs of disgrace, the impatient snaps, seem stupid and irrelavant now that I'm faced with the possibility of losing you. I think I lost you a long time ago, but it's different now, knowing that you're most likely not going to snap back into the old you. I love you, and I can't even bare the thought of you being unhappy. Of you being sick. Forever struggling to find yourself again. I literally push you from my mind, because I don't want to cry for the old friend you used to be.
I wish that I had laughed with you more, and we had bonded a little bit more. Because yes, you're still here, but it isn't the same. I miss my best friend.
I thought we were just growing apart, but it was the disease. It was taking you away from me. I let it win. I let your symptoms annoy me. I let it.  Sometimes I wish that it was just you who drew away, because then there would be hope of you coming back. But i'm so afraid that it's out or your control, and no matter how much you want to, you'll never be yourself again.
 Don't leave me, I ask you selfishly. I know you would be happier if you were away, but I wouldn't be able to funcion. I would lose my smile for a while. Please, don't let that happen.

Come Back.


Friday, December 3

All over the place, but that is just the case.

I really really like hugs. especially from boys. especially from a specific boy.

Right now my cat is looking at me like, "Oh dearest Emily, please pet me and talk in that annoyingly high voice. Please oh please. I love you, but why aren't you petting me?" I think this unusual look he's giving me is due to the fact that last night we cuddled and fell asleep together. What does he excpect of me? Lovin every night? i think not, diesel, you see. I am blogging right now

I feel like a man jerk who won't give the girl he made out with any attention because he has better things to do...

I'm all for a somehow organized messy room. It is easier for me to find things when I know exactly where I dropped them on the floor. But right now my new room in this new house is chaotic and full of boxes. It is too small for any of my treasures*. I came up to work on it all GUN HO and motivated, but of course, I got distracted by beautiful pandora music and blogs. I'm secretly going insane. I guess it is no secret, entire internet, now is it?

I like when I'm texting slash typing and I make a mistake and it just looks like I'm talking gangsta.
Yes, I'm a fake gangster.

Whilst looking up gangster for a nice picture in google images, i noticed that the third recommended was gangster spongebob. good job, world, good job.

 Last random thought,

I've been on Sherman looking at paint samples and applying them to random houses and furniture on the visualizer. some may say it is a waste. I'm not ashamed of  this time well spent
you should try it sometime
