Tuesday, May 31

Summer is No Longer the Queen of Hide and Seek

Today was perfect.

We saw some beautiful men playing tennis, and then we saw them longboarding, and then we saw them at kohlers, and then we saw them getting our numbers.....

Do you remember that game you used to play when you were a kid called "steamroller" or "bulldoser" or some other sort of demolishing machine? You know, that one where you take turns rolling all of your weight onto the people laying next to you....maybe you didn't have a childhood, i don't know. But I definitely regret living most of my life not playing that game. Luckily I spent about an hour doing it today. You say childish, I say time well spent.

I climbed on roofs and drove in convertables. I ate orange leaf and Snoasis. I pretended it was summer, and I had a mighty fine time.


I though it said Matt....Matt Davis:(
Oh yeah, and Avery told me I was cute. YAY
All hair looks better in a braid

Monday, May 30

I simply remember my favorite things.

Today was Bella's birthday party, which my mom and I obviously took way to seriously, spending hours making cutesy banners and crowns. 
The piñata was nearly impossible to break and took a few strong men a few tries to spill the candy all over the front porch. But of course we don't regret buying the giant, sturdy, absurd Little Mermaid Piñata at the Mexican Market, because it definitely made for a few good laughs and more than a few classic pictures.
She got her first bike and automatically started writing like a pro. This fact disproved my theory that I was secretly adopted; she is definitely my sister. 

Despite the WEATHER,
I woke up in a wonderful mood today, and I think I'll share my cheesy thoughts with you, if you don't mind. I woke up and began to pray and felt this overwhelming sense of gratitude for these strangers that I call my family. They are my life. We're odd and eccentric. My mom squeels when she gets excited and my dad starts a new business about every 3 weeks. My sister is sarcastic(all in good fun), short, and makes me want to grow up and live. My brother is strong. He is geeky and slightly weird....and does a mean Indian accent. Me, I'm sort of still figuring that out. Little Ethan is a genuine genius. He is loving and loud and will definitely be a millionaire one day. Annabella is full of spunk and personality. She has the power to change the world.

And somehow we all fit together perfectly.

Friday, May 27

Here, look, cats

I accidentally stalked some folks today.
Weird...usually I just do it on purpose.

Today was a classically good day. Minus the 3 finals and the fact that it should be about 20 more degrees outside, the day so far has been full of smiles and laughs and genuinely nice people. I went out to lunch with some friends, which was long past due. I then proceeded to go to that old antique store at the mill and take some fantastic pictures, not to mention a few awkward Polaroids. And we started walking home and get this: I got sunburned.
I still can't even feel summer coming...
Now I ain't saying she a gold digger

Wednesday, May 25

The Stages of Indie

DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that any of this is necessarily a bad thing...
stage one: the indie obsession
Symptoms: Obsession with new music, clothes from DI, and old inventions. Hatred of anyone who likes the same bands, etc, as you. Trying to become friends with people you never really have wanted to become friends with.
Google searches may include: "how to dress indie" "indie music" "what does indie mean" "how to be indie"
stage two: the indie mock
symptoms: endless jokes about being mainstream or indie. wearing ugly clothes(not the oddly beautiful ones, the just plain ugly and everyone knows it ones) a sudden obsession for crafts, denying that you are in any way, indie
Google searches may include: "Hipster Ariel""Hipster Kitty" "Hipster Hitler"
stage three: the if you say indie like that one more time, i'm going to slit your throat
Symp-enough said
stage four: the finally knowing who you are stage
symptoms: getting rid of the bands you pretended to like, lack of indie related google searches
if you find yourself able to casually use the words indie, hipster, or mainstream in normal conversations, you may just be cured.

Mom? I think I have a case of the Indies.....*gasp*
Today I saw him in the halls, and he smiled. I keep telling myself its over, but today i realized the truth:
I'm still in love with Stetson Richey

{I cannot see how in the world it's possible, but feel free to make this post about Nathan Gallagher}

Monday, May 23

Blue is an exciting color.
Today while walking to the bus I saw something bright blue on the grass. Naturally, I looked down, expecting some wrapper or old piece of candy. Instead, I was horrified to see a small bird, coming out of a broken egg. A baby bird with eyes and a beak. A dead baby bird. 

And I guess it hit some nerve in my emotional subconscious. Because I just sat there, and stared at the poor creature. I wondered if it knew it was falling. I wonder if his mother came back and wondered where her baby had gone.

{I don't know how, but find some way to make this about Nathan Gallagher}

Sunday, May 22

Please stop pretending to be the same person you were. There is no shame in changing, only in lying to yourself.

{if you didn't know, this post is about a boy named Nathan Gallagher}

Friday, May 20

If I get one more ticket, bye bye drivers liscense. that would be tragic.

But don't worry, apparently I'm a pretty decent speech writer and giver(?). So i guess that could always work out. And, according to Tesa Jones, I "should be a writer"....not like I've been planning on it for all eternity....

Tah Dah
 You can read it if you want.

My name is Emily Henson. I can’t sing, I can’t dance, and I can feel a giant zit beginning to form right in between my eyes. I don’t get straight A’s and haven’t won any major awards recently. My name is Emily Henson, and despite all this, I love myself. Now I know I’m not perfect, I have flaws and somedays I just want to curl up in a ball and hide from the world. But it would be an injustice to me, and the people I love, if I let those small imperfections hold me back.
Seven out of ten girls believe that they flat out aren’t good enough, in looks, grades, or relationships. They don’t feel that they measure up to the world’s standards. 75% of those girls have reported that they engage in harmful activities in order to cope. 75% develop an eating disorder, bully others, smoke, drink, or even begin to physically harm themselves. Age 9. An age we associate with freedom. Playing outside. Learning cursive. Recess. Age 9. The age where more than half of all girls have attempted a diet. Age 9.
Is this the kind of world that we want to live in? Do we want a world that tells us from age 9 that we’re never good enough? Sure, that one surgery helps but if you just went on this diet, imagine how beautiful you could really be. In all truth, beauty has nothing to do with the the color of our eyes or the measurement of our waist lines. Beauty is developed when you finally give yourself permission to look in the mirror and smile.
Now boys. You’re thinking this in no way applies to you. You may not care what your hair looks like or if your outfit matches completely. No, self esteem isn’t an issue for males. They’re tough. They don’t need reassurance. They are born with confidence. Well I’m here to tell you that that is a lie. I won’t pretend to be an expert on the male mind, but I do know that every time he runs a little faster, every time he gets the girl, and every time you don’t live up to the expectations of being a man, your self confidence drops.
In order to change this seemingly unchangeable trend for our children, for our friends, and for ourselves, we have to start now. Sven Goran Eriksson once said, “To wish you were someone else is to waste the person you are.” Let’s stop wasting ourselves. We all have a purpose in this world. We all have the opportunity to be great. And yet we all seem to so easily forget that.
We see the characters on the screen, their perfect lives. Their perfect bodies and perfect lovers. We have been letting fiction fool us into thinking that a perfect life is flawless. A real perfect life only requires one thing: knowing you deserve to live it. All this negativity and judgement gets piled up in our minds until finally, we feel nothing but insecurity and incompetence. The world will try and tell us that we can’t do it, that we’re not good enough. And we have the power to stand up and say to them that yes we are, and yes we can.
Wake up in the morning and smile. Smile at yourself in the mirror, smile at the people you come in contact with, and smile just because you can. It’s astonishing the impact that one smile can have on the people around us, and on our own happiness.
I know smiling can’t fix absolutely everything. We doubt ourselves everyday. We see our flaws, and we automatically assume that that is all everyone else sees. We’re wrong. We have the ability to ignore our flaws, but even greater is our ability to transform them into our strengths.
Strengths. What makes us firm, what gives us our power. We all have them, we just need to explore ourselves in order to discover them. And when you do, don’t be afraid to use them. Show them off. Don’t let fear keep you from shining, from making a difference. As Marrianne Williamson once said, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”
My name is Emily Henson, I am powerful beyond measure, and I deserve to live my life to the fullest. I don’t have time to list all your names, all your faults, and all your strengths. So I deliver this challenge to you today. Don’t let the people of this world tell us who we are to be, what we are to look like, and how we are to act.  Don’t ever forget how much you mean to the people who surround you, and how much we don’t give a crap about the zit on your forehead. And maybe one day you will realize that you deserve to be just as happy as the rest of the world seems to be.

Does anyone even put pop tarts in the toaster anymore?

....this post is obviously about Nathan Gallagher

Wednesday, May 18

I feel like a good cry is in order

There are just those times in life, where I wish I could sit down and sob. I wish I could scream and I wish I could tell you how i really feel. But I can't. 
If being mature means pretending it's fine when it's not, then screw maturity. I spent my entire childhood pretending the world was something it isn't. I pretended that you were perfect, and I pretended to be blind. 
When the time comes to open your eyes, all seems as it should be. But slowly the colors start to fade and the shadows emerge. Suddenly that once perfect world is juxaposed with a wasteland of hurt, and there is nothing I can do about it.

If i could have one wish, I would save my little siblings from ever knowing the flaws of this world. I would let them live and die in a world of fantasy, and then maybe they could be as happy as they deserve to be. If only wishes came true.

{Insert reference to Nathan Gallagher}

It's almost Summer.
I really like Summer.

{Insert something to do with Nathan Gallagher}

Sunday, May 15


This is eric:

enough about eric.

Wednesday, May 11

Dear Dr. Reid,
I'm in love with you. I love that you know everything. I love that you can read faster than a speeding bullet. I love your statistics. I find your bulletproof vest and amelia earheart hair sexy.