Wednesday, May 18

I feel like a good cry is in order

There are just those times in life, where I wish I could sit down and sob. I wish I could scream and I wish I could tell you how i really feel. But I can't. 
If being mature means pretending it's fine when it's not, then screw maturity. I spent my entire childhood pretending the world was something it isn't. I pretended that you were perfect, and I pretended to be blind. 
When the time comes to open your eyes, all seems as it should be. But slowly the colors start to fade and the shadows emerge. Suddenly that once perfect world is juxaposed with a wasteland of hurt, and there is nothing I can do about it.

If i could have one wish, I would save my little siblings from ever knowing the flaws of this world. I would let them live and die in a world of fantasy, and then maybe they could be as happy as they deserve to be. If only wishes came true.

{Insert reference to Nathan Gallagher}


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.