Sunday, May 8

This is what you've been wishing for.

None of the following would have been possible if it weren't for the nice weather. Therefore, all credit must be given to mother nature.

Knight stocking
Boy(Jonah) stalking
Facebook Stalking
Blog Stalking
Plain old normal stalking
Well it all started with Kaitlyn and I finally following through on our weekly plans of "let's do something super exciting this weekend" I don't even know where to go after that. Prolly Target(where we met addy), Hawaiin Ice, A field, Kaitlyn's house, Wal Mart, Nathan's house, Kaitlyn's house, Wal Mart, another field, Kait's again, and then Water Gardens. But those are just some possibilities.

In all honesty, nothing we did was "super exciting". Just lots of simple, wonderfully simple, things. Like borrowing tweasers and listening to music. Kind of like forgetting to wear shoes and getting stuck at a cash register for twenty minutes with a beautiful boy called Jackson. It was a day full of hypothetical phone calls that were just that, hypothetical and not actually real like Mr. Matt Davis assumed, and eating mac and cheese even though we didn't know if we liked it. Rolling down the windows felt nice.
And treats. Lots of treats.

Life looks better through sunglasses.

1 comment:

  1. I had the worst day ever and I read this and thought, "Things will always be fine."

    Thanks, my love.


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.