Tuesday, May 10

I think that secretly all we want to do is fall in love. We can all pretend to be independent and self sufficient, but I think deep, deep down we're all waiting for that one person. They don't have to be perfect or even extremely good looking. I think it would just be nice to know that we're never alone.

Ok, Utah weather. It's time you and I had a little chat. You are not allowed to tease me like this! You give me one perfect weekend and then pour endless rain onto my head? Who does that? I even got slightly tan. A tan which, without regular exposure will surely fade. And then I will be back to my wonderful, ghostly self. Not that I mind.

Dear you,
I want you back. Just the way it used to be. Nothing complicated. Just you, making me smile.

I am determined to make this summer a good one, maybe even the best one so far. Though I am not entirely confident that I have the ability to do so. Last summer was so incredible. I met most of my best friends. I met a beautiful boy and fell for him quickly. A boy, whom I would've bet you $1,000,000 dollars would never kiss me. (I bet you wish you would've taken that bet). I stayed out late and talked on the phone for hours. I climbed trees and laughed away my belly fat. I think I found myself. I am still discovering Emily Henson everyday, but I won't ever feel as unsure as I used to. Because I found out that I'm actually worth something, and that maybe, just maybe, I deserve to be just as happy as the rest of you.

It's Kind of a Beautiful Thing.

And then it was Summer, and the rest is history.

1 comment:

  1. A) The thing about pretending to be self sufficient and not caring about ever falling in love while secretly hoping you do...very true about every girl I've ever met. Myself included.
    B) This weekend is supposed to be 80 degrees. I have a feeling it may call for more adventures.
    C) That letter is good.
    D)"Because I found out that I'm actually worth something, and that maybe, just maybe, I deserve to be just as happy as the rest of you." -Emily Henson

    ... I might quote you one day.



if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.