Tuesday, October 12


I saw her in the hall today. I know her name, and I know that she went to Mt. Ridge with me, but nothing more. I couldn't have prepared myself for what I saw, because I've never spoken more than five words to her, and there is no way i could have ever known why she was crying. It was just a glimpse of a tear, one of those moments where the light glistens off the moisture falling down her cheek, but it was enough to make me take a second look at the girl who I know of, but don't really know. My mind started bickering back and forth. Half of me wanted to reach out and give her the hug I knew she probably needed, but the other, more dominant, half shrunk at the challenge of my confidence and told me to keep on walking. I listened to the latter. I guess I will never know if she would've told me what the matter was and broke down into my arms or just simply given a small, "nothing," and moved on, but I wish I would have stopped and listened. I wish I would have thought about her before myself.

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