Tuesday, April 17

You're red. You bleed red. Not like everyone else bleeds red, because everyone does. But inside your veins, you're red. You are loud. You are bold, and without you a rainbow would be dull. Sometimes you are a little over powering, but you look too good doing it, all we can do is sit and watch you tell us how the world really is.

You're gray. Not dull, muttled gray, but shockingly simple yet completely stunning gray. You're the grey that has two spellings. You're comfort, and you're love. You're the gray that lets me sit in its lap and cry into its gray arms.You're my gray.

You're maroon. Most people see you as just that. But the people who really know you see your complex flecks of red and brown and black and gray that make you who you are, maroon. You're trying to blend into the background, and you desperately want to be someone's favorite color.

You're cream colored. Please don't take offense, you're perfect. From afar you seem white, unreachable. But when you let people see you they can't help but stare and wonder what paint you fell in that made you so rich and stunning, and we all whisper to each other about how we thought you were simply white.

You're purple. We like you for a while, or maybe for a long time. And then we grow up, and you stay purple.

You're blue. Never shallow, light, baby blue. You're deep, royal blue. You're the blue of the ocean. You're comfort and kindness and humor blended into blue. You're a primary color. Without you none of us would exist, or even think of existing. I think when we get to heaven we'll see what colors make you, blue, and it will all make sense because we knew you.

Color your imagination.


  1. Great. I'm wearing all gray/grey.

  2. Now people know things about me.

  3. Heeey.... I think I know who Purple is...

    Kaitlyn. I'm right aren't I?

    (No but really Purple sucks.)


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.