Monday, September 12

Green Day, It's almost time to wake up.

It's September. It's September and I'm starting to forget August. I'm starting to doubt who I thought I was, and I'm starting to notice every flaw in my skin. It's only September, and it feels as if I'm sinking deep into October, hoping and wishing to be pulled to the surface, to breathe air. It's September and I'm already losing the friends I thought for a second could actually tolerate me. The ideals I had are being crushed and the sins around me and collapsing in September.

It's September and winter is already spilling out my every pore. I want to wear thick sweaters and cuddle. It's September, and all I want is to feel loved like I once used to. I'm clinging on to Summer and the hope it had. I'm scratching my nails as reality pulls me into fall. I'm blogging dramatically and sleeping in on school days. And it's only September.

It's September, and I'm embarrassing myself. My cheeks are turning crimson and I'm losing the resiliency I taught myself to have. All I can see is the thumbnail. A thumbnail of a lonely September. It's September and I want to buy the book store and still a part of me wants to burn all the books that could make me feel the way I do. It's September.

It's September, and part of me wishes I could sleep through it. I want to laugh and cry, but at the same time I want to crawl into a chrysalis and emerge when I'm ready to face the world. It's September and I wish I could make you happy. I wish I was the one who put a smile on your face and the one you kissed on the forehead. It's September, and I don't even know who you are.

"If he is not the word of God God never spoke"


  1. This is amazing/beautiful/perfect.

    Please, remember you have a friend in me still.


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.