Wednesday, July 6


Lately my life
is one
question mark.

Why is it that the only people who rush in are considered fools?
"I can't help falling in love with you"

Why do boys seem to forget I exist as soon as one of my bubblier, prettier friends enter the picture?
Emily who?

Why did I officially give up coffee?
Because I have good friends....and she gave me twenty bucks.

Why must Summer and Romance be forever linked?
Not that I mind, really. And I know because of this question I am going to get a gazillion friends begging me for a love story. Let me crush your hopes now. There isn't one.

Why is it that you, being over 30 years older than me, can't step up and be an adult? How can you not see the obvious, mature thing to do when I see it oh so clearly?
Just wondering, because its frustrating, really.

Why did girls camp have to be so excellent?
Three words. Rosie. Maddie. Abi.
Three more words. Ring Tailed Cats

Why do you insist on trying to torture me?
I'm proud to report, it isn't working in the least bit. I am so done with letting you.

Is this post about nathan gallagher?
I'll let you decide this one. But it prolly is.

And when he looked into my eyes I knew that he wasn't lying. And maybe, just maybe, he knew that that was exactly what I needed to hear. I knew in that instant that I would remember those words forever, and one day when all hope is lost, they will give me strength.


p.s. i met a boy


  1. I like question 6 for obvious reasons. And that picture of John Lennon, because he's my new favorite Beatle.

  2. I want deets on the "p.s." portion of this post.

    And also, lovely as ever, Emily.

  3. Emily and her blog about nothing but boys.

  4. Add fourth word: Summer. It's ok if you can't admit you think I'm cool cause I'm a "lea-der". I think you're a cool cat. Ring tailed.

  5. This anonymous commenter is making me livid.


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.