Saturday, July 16

so what

So what if I spent all of yesterday watching short flims and stumbling?

So what if I spent the day before in the movie theater watching all 8 Harry Potter movies?

It was worth it.

10 things I love about the Harry Potter Movies

1. In all scenes that take place in the Dursley house( I say house because it is in no way a home) there are the most hilarious photographs. On the fireplace, hanging on the walls, on every side table, are pictures of Dudley...usually eating something or making some hideous face. watch for it.

2. Picking out lines that make harry potter sound gay.
ex: "I didn't mean for this to happen, Ron"
      "I don't know what happened tonight and I don't know why, all I know is that it did."

3. Listening to how their voices change as they hit puberty.

4. Watching Harry's left eye twitch uncontrollably.

5. The entire theater quoting "Give it here Malfoy or I'll knock you off your broom"

6.Pretending not to notice that Dumbledore changes.

7. the words mental, git, brilliant, right, and snogging

8. OH GINNY. the awkwardness.
ex: "Shoelace" *ties Harry's shoes*
      "Don't you trust me?" *feeding Harry*
      "We can keep this a secret too if you like" *kissing Harry*
      "Zip me up?" *self explanatory*

9. The uncontrollable sniffling and sobbing throughout the theater during the last movie. (being one of those pathetic, sniffling people)

* mrs. weasley killing Bellatrix*

1 comment:

  1. The best part about "Zip me up?" is when George walks in with a toothbrush in his ear and picks up a cup and just watches them.


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.