Monday, July 25

POST 100

I feel like this post should be full of deep thoughts and insightful paragraphs because it is my hundredth published post. But most likely it won't be. 

Most likely I will say something about boys
Maybe I'll mention my friends
I'll probably say something extremely empowering like " I can do anything" even though I probably can't
I could even write something cornbally about how grateful I am to all my readers (all 2 of them)
You can bet I'll mention how much I hate Mr. Anonymous.


It's kinda funny. Lots of people start blogs. For a lot of different reasons. And maybe I'm wrong, but I think that the only ones who keep writing are those who aren't doing it to tell everyone about their day or see how many followers they can get. I think that we keep going because we are writers, and this is what we love. 

Cheers to the written word.

Remember that time when we both starting looking for Ashton Kutcher at the same time, convinced we were being punked? That was the moment I knew my heart would be yours for a very long time.

P.s. Enjoy the ride, and hold on for dear life.

1 comment:

if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.