Wednesday, November 3

Santa Claus, Confidence, and Tragety

A boy in my one of my classes told me that he had never believed in Santa Claus. To be honest, the whole fat man coming down the chimney thing didn't really stick with me very long either. but to never have believed? i would be heartbroken to know that i have never felt the sensation of thinking that this was the year: the year you were going to catch Santa. He never felt the dissapiontment, either. Never the shock of waking up realizing that you had, in fact, fallen asleep and woken up, mysteriously, in your own bed. It seems a part of the human culture. But he never believed, and i feel sorry for him.

Why is it that when i finally get what i've been dying for, all can feel is sadness? I had no idea it would pain me so much to leave them. I just have to keep in mind that i'm trading in my old life for a new, hopefully better, one. i pray that it will be as positive as it seems from a distance. I pray.
Don't get me wrong. I am so undeniably happy that keeping it a secret has been extremely stressful and difficult. Goodbye loneliness, Hello confidence. hello friendship. Hello life.
Here i come
You have no idea what is coming for you.

1 comment:

  1. Eh, stupid Cache. I don't think that boy's ever really believed in anything. I feel sad for him, too. But that's so Cache-ly of him. Quite frankly, I can't really ever see him believing in Santa Clause. I might be more surprised if he actually did.

    I'm in love with him.

    On a separate note:
    I don't even want to talk about it. I hate you a little bit.
    Except for not really, of course, considering the fact that you happen to be perfect.

    All in all,
    I love you.

    (and that not believing in Santa Boy)


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.