Saturday, November 13

What 24 hours of babysitting does to a soul

I forgot how much I love the following, and I am determined to bring them back in my life, because I remember now, that these are what made me happy. what still do.
and i usually hate lists that are completely pointless, so i will not cry myself to sleep tonight if you stop reading this list on principal. i would.

-Reading a good book for hours and hours.
- Tickling my little siblings
- making them laugh by making myself look silly, and my little bella saying " you wook siwwy enallee."
- kisses
- editing pictures on photoshop....stupid computer broke. can no longer. i miss it.
- taking bubble baths
- knowing one of your best friends added you creepily on facebook because they thought you looked genuine. 
- touching peoples backpacks/hair
-playing twister, candyland, and connect four for hours and hours with my little siblings just because it makes them, and me, happy
- blogging 
- writing for a decent newspaper.
- seeing the look on my moms face when she comes home from work and sees that the house is clean. she deserves to be the happiest woman on the earth.
- getting late night phone calls, and talking for  hours about nothing at all.
- thinking back to how you met someone, and wondering how that ever worked out. but it did.
- singing mary had a little lamb, twinkle twinkle, and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam with Bella, and then to my surprise, Airplanes. who wouldn't practically cry because of how  cute she is wheh she starts singing, " can we pwetend that aiwpwanes in da night sky awr like shooting staws?"?
- waking up and making a delicous breakfast
- singing to the radio
- laughing while on the phone, and not hearing the other person do anything but laugh as well.
- inside jokes. muahaha
-good music
- finding out someone you know like the same odd music as you

- becoming friends with that person you've always wanted to be friends with
- dancing
- laughing
- looking back and realizing my wishes came true.
- I miss family home evening, i want to start.
- sharing secrets.
- my friends, who are beloved, and who i am so freaking happy to have i can't even tell you. love you guys.


  1. I'm glad I creeped on your facebook profile two years ago.

  2. Those pictures are SO cute. Your siblings are so cute.

    Please make us more!!


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.