Sunday, November 7

Sunday Best

Sunday Best: great song by augustana. go listen to it. its about the same girl thats in Boston

But that isn't what this post is about. This blog has never been spiritual, but its time that it is. My life revolves around my religion. here's a sunday thought for the soul.

The Last Request

He walks out of Gethsemane,
Into the captors’ hands.
The same people who of sin
He did eliminate the bands.

He goes quietly and peacefully,
Knowing God is there.
While a crown of thorns is made
To rest upon his hair.

Standing with pain,no anger,
His faith doth never lack.
While leather strips laced with rocks
Lash across his back.

Speaking ill of no one,
Nails pierce his hand, his feet.
He thinks of his beloved father
Whom soon he will again meet

Hanging on the cross,
Some do mock and some do cry.
Some are unaware:
The son of God will soonly die

Finally he knows;
His work is done and through.
“Father,” he whispers, “forgive them.
They know not what they do.”


  1. That was beautiful. Did you write that?

  2. Wow. You have serious talent! This really is beautiful. I love it!

  3. What daaaa.

    Can I be your manager person/whatever awesome writers have when you're famous?

    I read that and thought you just got it off the internets or something. Lone Peak journalism needs you.

    Beautiful beautiful m.

  4. you guys are too nice.
    and yes, what better manager could i have than jack donaghee himself?


if you can't say nothin nice, don't say nothing at all.