Monday, November 8

What has Happened to the World?

I look back at what I've done.
How did this happen?
Where did this come from?
My mind tries to find a begining,
But all it finds is the result.
The is no obvious answer,
No event that leads to this.
No person put these images into my head,
It's the world's slow, persistant hiss.

I scream to climb back up again.
To reach the sun's warm rays,
But it seems I've gone too deep this time.
Not a hint of light remains.
The told me there was no consequence,
I thought it was no crime.
i want to blame the world,
Though the fault was mostly mine.

There is only so much we can allow,
Before we have to take a stand.
The world has reached its limit.
Lets band together, hand in hand.
The lies will be revealed in the fight,
THe grabage taken out.
Whose side will you be one?
Let's find the hidden line of wrong and right.

There is no one to blame,
We all have played a part.
But hope is never lost,
We all have good deep at heart.
Hold my hand, I wil not let you fall.
Get ready,
Because we're about to change it all.

It starts with one person at a time. It starts with one kind word, one less gossiper. What if you could be that one, the one person to start a revolution? Its insane the amount of impact that one person and one small act can make on the world. Be that person. Influence who you can, and never give up on those who seem resistant to change. It can be you.

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